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I will lift my eyes to the hills, Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121 v 1-2.
Daily Devotionals
Welcome to the Daily Devotionals page at Renfrew Christain Fellowship. All the devotions are free to download. We suggest that you set a daily reminder on your phone or media pad and spend time daily reading praying and applying what you read to your life. We hope you both enjoy and delight (yourself in the Lord), in these readings. God Bless.
Do you know the shepherd of Psalm 23?
by Pastor Dorothy Barr

Breakfast with Jesus
by Pastor Steven Barr

Peace perfect Peace.
by Pastor Steven Barr

Why We Worship
The Reason for our song.
by Pastor Steven Barr
What Fruit Are You Eating?
This is Freedom!
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