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"Your name is the sweetest sound to my heart and soul."
Scott Muir 2014, Excerpt from O beautiful Jesus.

It's Christmas. (Part 3). Rejoice.

Well it's week three of Advent and we are all jumping with joy at the coming of our Saviour and King.

Chairo is the Greek for rejoice, it is a greeting, an introduction to a fellow believer in Christ.

Imagine the scene; a busy market place, people bartering, buying and selling food and wares. Then you see two people greet each other with a shameless proclamation, "Chairo", "Rejoice", be glad, be happy, our savior is born/risen. What a wonderful witness that would be to you if you did not know him.

More than this is at hand though, it's a proclamation, a statement. The word Rejoice in this context means 'favourably disposed', 'leaning towards'. What a picture. Can you see the Fathers expression of Love as he leans towards you, Wow, let's grasp this image and hold onto it, God is leaning towards you with his Love through Jesus. This is your favour.

God is leaning towards us, his favour through Christ is now our experience, we can properly delight in Gods Grace and shout Rejoice.

Paul says this; 'Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say Rejoice'. Phil 4v4.

Be conscious and aware of Gods Grace in your life, be glad for his Grace.

Shown to us in Christ, made freely available to all that would recieve.

Revealed to us at this season of advent. This is when we see the favour of God at it's uttermost. God bringing all the words of the prophets together in the Messiah's glorious birth.

Four hundered years of silence broken by the cry of a baby in a manger. The perfect Son of God becoming the perfect Son of man, fully God and Fully Man, for us. Rejoice.

Luke 1 v 14 says, "He will be a joy and a delight to you, many will rejoice because of his birth".

Jesus, my joy and my dlight. Lord how I pray that this year we can all make this our hearts cry as we Rejoice, because of Jesus birth.

God Bless,


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