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"Your name is the sweetest sound to my heart and soul."
Scott Muir 2014, Excerpt from O beautiful Jesus.

Stay here with the Donkey!

Are you waiting?

Are you trusting?

Are you standing on God's promises?

Are you being obedient and faithful to His word and promises over your life?

Abraham was asked to sacrifice His Son, the son he had waited a lifetime for. As they climbed that mountain to sacrifice Isaac in obedience to God, this is what Abraham said...

He said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.”

Genesis 22:5

Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, “Father?” “Yes, my son?” Abraham replied. “The fire and wood are here,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”

Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together.

Genesis 22:7-8

They reached the place of sacrifice, built the alter and Abraham bound his son and placed Him on the alter....

But the angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!” “Here I am,” he replied. “Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son." Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided."

Genesis 22:11-14

Abraham spoke in faith in the biggest trial of his life..

"We will worship and we will return."

"God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son."

What are we declaring in our trials, is it faith?

The Lord is our Jehovah Jireh, our Provider. God will provide for us, He has in the past and He will again and again.

Today as we wait, trust and stand on the promises of God. May we be like Abraham who walked not only in obedience but spoke out in declaration of faith despite what he could see, He knew and trusted in what God had promised.


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